Cash List Creator

Hi Terry Till here with my review of Cash List Creator a new product being launched today by Dawud Islam.

Cash List Creator is a simple to implement way of building an email list whilst also running your own advertising platform.

Dawud uses on his main page the following headline ” WATCH HOW I WENT FROM 0 TO 14,000 LIST MEMBERS, EARNING $2-$3K PER MONTH! ” and indeed he does present a video that explains and shows how he achieved this income figure using this Cash List Creator method.

The video explains how this system can be started and run by anyone whether they be completely new to the online business world or an experienced internet marketer.

I say internet marketer because the main aim of running this advertising platform is to build your email list of potential buyers who will then be sent emails regarding future affiliate marketing products that will be of interest to them in advancing their online business.

Dawud comments that ‘Using this method, which has never been shown before, I make $2-$3k per month in affiliate commissions, plus a further $2-3k using the secret tactics taught in this course’.

He goes on to say that he “will show you the exact method that you can use TODAY to start building YOUR huge e-mail list in less than 24 hours from now.Better still, you can earn money while you are doing it, instead of spending it out.In no time at all you will have a large list of subscribers and will know instantly who the BUYERS on your list are.

What Do You Get!

Here are a few of the items you will get with Cash List Creator@

* Full Training on how to get and set up your first membership site.

* Places to Promote your site for FREE to get sign ups FAST.

* Tips on how to market your site and to scale up.

* Tips on how to monetise your site.

* FREE BONUS TRAINING on how to get started in affiliate marketing.

So Cash List Creator goes live today and is being launched at a price of $11.95.

FRONT END — Cash List Creator $11.95 (100% Commissions) Your customers will learn how to obtain and set up their very first membership site and where to go for free traffic to get subscribers. Training covers 3 levels – Easy, Intermediate and Advanced. Newbies using the Easy method can have their site ready for launch in under an hour. Bonus training in affiliate marketing.

Here are the available One Time Offers available.

OTO #1 — DFY Set-Up $37.00 (50% Commissions)  We will check your customers site to make sure it is set up correctly, including payment processor settings and sales funnel. We will remove default settings and optimise the site so your customer can make money from it from day one. I will also add 5 DFY E-Mail swipes into your affiliate tools.

OTO #2 — Steal My Traffic $67 (50% Commissions)  I will plug your new site into the Downline Builders at all 23 of my own membership sites, meaning you will get guaranteed traffic and sign ups to your site. I will e-mail all 14,000+ members across my sites telling them there is a new site to join in their downline builders. You are almost certain to get some paid upgrade sign ups from some of my top affiliates.

OTO #3 — Reseller Licence Rights $97 (50% Commissions)   Your customers can resell CASH LIST CREATOR and get 100% commissions across the funnel.

OTO #4 — Custom Site Design and One on One Coaching $197 (50% Commissions) Your customers will get a unique custom site with a unique selling point agreed between me and the customer. I will write the sales copy on the site and script sales videos for the front page and the OTO’s. The customer can either record their own video using the script or I will make the video for them. Complete one on one coaching by Skype or e-mail until their site is completed and ready for launch. Their site will be advertised using Login ads and other strategic advertising across all 23 of my sites, including an e-mail campaign to all members. This upsell will all but guarantee your customers a successful launch.

So do I think is this a product that I would buy and use, well yes I do as I have bought my copy and am now going through the training with a view to setting up my first Cash List Creator site.

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